I have to apologize that I have not been posting my political comments on here, I have been working hard at work, and trying to just absorb as much as I can of the Australian life. I have taken out a membership with the Australian Liberal Party, who would be the equivalent of the Conservative Party of Canada. It has been quite fascinating. The leader of the LPA (Liberal Party of Australia), Malcolm Turnbull has been having backbencher challenges, with a lot of criticism over his leadership, similar to that of Ontario PC leader John Tory. From Liberal Treasury Minister Peter Costello has been rumored to want the leadership, as well as many people are advocating he openly challenge Turnbull.
Mr. Turnbull has taken the party to the left, accepting man-made global warming as fact, and actually criticizing the Labour Government for abandoning its GHG reduction targets. He’s also said he’s against work choice legislation that the Howard Government had implement to help liberalize the labour force to be more mobile and competitive.
Peter Costello is of the Howard Conservative persuasion. Peter Costello is also my MP! So I am having fun following the drama. Now onto Canadian politics!
On John Tory losing his by-election bid:
The voters of Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock showed the common sense that many in politics lack, and did what PC Party members were too afraid to do, and voted against John Tory. I have to say I was relieved, because now the PC party can get on with re-invigorating the party, with some great grassroots policies. Remember your membership is like a giant focus group for the province for your party. Listen to them!
I hope the party now sees the fallacy in putting personality ahead of policy, and trying to win over the likes of the Toronto Star editorial board with left-wing red Tories as leaders. To the PC Party – WHOEVER the Toronto Star endorses as PC leader in the upcoming leadership race, that better be the LAST person party members should support. Vote for a person that likes capitalism, free enterprise, and limit government.
Oh and drop “Progressive” from the PC Party name. “Progressive” is a left-wing term.
On Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s handling of the economy and address the Manning Centre for Democracy conference on Thursday:
- I understand Prime Minister Harper is head of the government in a minority parliament and needs to compromise, but where has the compromise been from the opposition? Why is it that conservatives are always the ones that must compromise? I never remember the far-left MSM punditry demand that former Prime Minister Paul Martin needed to compromise with Harper. Harper has sold conservatism down the drain. Government has expanded massively under Harper; in every area, conservatives want to see reduced, from healthcare, to equalization, to government run/funded culture programs. What I think has happened are the worms in the public service, as well as opportunist faux conservatives have surrounded him in the PM. These people are more interested in preserving their own jobs than on implementing tried and true (and proven to work) conservative principles.
Yet, Harper has the audacity to criticize libertarians at the Manning Centre conference, and use the typically intellectually lightweight argument of “well it would be worse under the liberals”. It is a cheap excuse for abandoning principles he has fought for all his life. If Harper were a true leader, he would stop the pandering and do what he believes is right, which is be a conservative. Once again, we have a conservative leader trying to suck up to the left-wing press gallery, and left-wing special interest groups. One of the tenets of conservatism is to be skeptical of power, and all conservatives should be speaking out against policies that any political party (conservative or otherwise) implement that are not conservative. I know I will not donate to the federal Conservative Party or the Provincial PC party until I hear a leader say free enterprise is good, that a free citizenry is good.
On the bright note, Liberals have not gotten a bump in the polls under Michael Ignatieff (who the media keep trying to spin into being a Trudeau or Obama – PUKE!). Their fundraising is still in disarray and aren’t ready to fight an election anywhere soon, despite all of Ignatieff’s tough talk.
I’m sorry Mr. Harper but Conservative principles are more than tax cut goodies to hand out during boom times to get elected - show Canadians how great conservatism is, that free market principles are the best means to get the country out of the recession.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
If I were the Canadian Finance Minister....
This would be my budget speech that I would have delivered to the House of Commons if I was the Canadian Finance Minister:
"Mr. Speaker it’s a privilege and honour to stand before the House and Canadians to present our Conservative government’s 4rd federal budget. Since being elected in 2006 we have reduced taxes, and the overtaxation of Canadians that occurred under the previous Liberal government for many years. That overtaxation led to poor decision-making, boondoggles and outright criminal activity. Mr. Speaker we have a proven track record of putting citizens first and politicians and bureaucrats last.
Mr. Speaker, this year we have seen have seen a financial panic hit the world for the first time in many years. While there are challenges of tight credit affecting businesses, that will undoubtedly affect individuals and some families, this problem is the fault of governments meddling in the affairs of businesses and people. Government is the problem, it is not the solution.
Many on the left, especially many so-called experts are demanding massive government intervention. Mr. Speaker, as parliamentarians, it is our job to look beyond the hype, and learn from history. Massive government spending didn’t cure the Great Depression, big deficits and poor monetary policies lead to the hyperinflation and stagnant economy growth in the 1970s. In each instance, Canadians suffered when their politicians said the opposite. Mr. Speaker, we will not repeat past mistakes just because of the media and left-wing special interest groups.
The solution to the financial crisis lies in the inventiveness, hard work, and resilience of individual Canadians. Free enterprise is what gives us all a standard of living that no social program can provide. It’s responsible for the eliminating starvation, making clothing, housing, and everything we want in life easily accessible. Freeing Canadians from the stranglehold of government is the fastest way out of the recession. With that I am proud to announce the following budgetary policies:
Because Canadians are struggling financially, we will endeavour to put back into Canadians’ pockets as much of their money as possible. After all Mr. Speaker, the money government has is not ours, it’s the hard working citizens of this country. The following programs will be phased out over the next 90 days:
- The CBC
- Federal Human Rights Commissions
- Status of Women
- Billingual and multicultural programs
- Federal gun registries
- Grants to businesses
- Equalization payments to provinces
- Regional Development programs
- Ministry of Heritage
The money from these organizations and programs have sucked far too much money out of Canadians’ pockets for too long. These savings will immediately put into tax reductions.
Over the next 5 years the government will be phasing out income tax, and the income will be replaced in kind with equivalent consumption taxes. Canadians should not be punished for earning money, not is the government automatically entitled to Canadians’ money. Canadians will now be able to do their taxes on a postcard size form, taking 60 seconds to fill out.
Spurring innovation is a cornerstone to getting out of the recession. We will be ending bank regulations, allowing foreign competition to provide better financial services for Canadians, and allow banks to freely merge if they decide that it is in their best interest. We will allow foreign airlines to fly on domestic routes, which will reduce airline fares for Canadians, and increase consumer choice. We will eliminate any last regulations on Air Canada. We will eliminate culture regulations for radio and television, allowing Canadians to freely choose what they want to watch. Mr. Speaker its up to artists and consumers to decide what is a success, not a government bureaucrat.
We will be introducing the “Choice in Health Care” Act – to replace the North Korean styled Canada Health Act. Canadians will be free to choose who should provide their health insurance. Canadians who choose a provider other than the government will pay no incomes taxes on any healthcare expenditures, including insurance, as well as a 1% reduction in their income tax rate. Mr. Speaker in the depths of a recession we will be helping to spur on a new sector of entrepreneurial innovation.
All ministerial budgets except departments that ensure the security of our nation’s borders will be reduced by 20% and the savings passed onto Canadians in terms of further tax reductions. Mr. Speaker, this government WILL NOT GO INTO DEFICIT nor put a future generation into debt because of a parliament they never got to vote for.
The only departments to see an increase in spending will be those related to border security and intelligence gathering as Canada has developed a reputation for being a haven for terrorists and terrorist sympathizing organizations.
The defence budget will be increased by 50% over the next 4 years, and an increase in full time personnel to 120,000 soldiers. This will allow us to protect our borders, as well as meet our international obligations for fighting terrorism. Mr. Speaker Canada will once again be on the world stage punching above its weight working with our historical allies, the U.S., Australia, and Great Britain.
Mr. Speaker, as a good friend and ally of the U.S., we will help them out with closing Guantanamo Bay. We will offer to house terrorist suspects in a soon to be built detention center on Baffin Island. Terrorists from hot arab countries will think again about striking a western country if they know there is a good probability they will be waiting the rest of their lives for Allah in the frigid Canadian arctic.
Mr. Speaker we are not going to play politics with Canadians’ money, nor are we going to make decisions based on sensational news headlines and fickle opinion polls. We ask the honourable members of the opposition to put aside the lure of grabbing headlines and work together on ensuring the success of the free market and free enterprise in Canada so we end up stronger as we come out of the recession."
"Mr. Speaker it’s a privilege and honour to stand before the House and Canadians to present our Conservative government’s 4rd federal budget. Since being elected in 2006 we have reduced taxes, and the overtaxation of Canadians that occurred under the previous Liberal government for many years. That overtaxation led to poor decision-making, boondoggles and outright criminal activity. Mr. Speaker we have a proven track record of putting citizens first and politicians and bureaucrats last.
Mr. Speaker, this year we have seen have seen a financial panic hit the world for the first time in many years. While there are challenges of tight credit affecting businesses, that will undoubtedly affect individuals and some families, this problem is the fault of governments meddling in the affairs of businesses and people. Government is the problem, it is not the solution.
Many on the left, especially many so-called experts are demanding massive government intervention. Mr. Speaker, as parliamentarians, it is our job to look beyond the hype, and learn from history. Massive government spending didn’t cure the Great Depression, big deficits and poor monetary policies lead to the hyperinflation and stagnant economy growth in the 1970s. In each instance, Canadians suffered when their politicians said the opposite. Mr. Speaker, we will not repeat past mistakes just because of the media and left-wing special interest groups.
The solution to the financial crisis lies in the inventiveness, hard work, and resilience of individual Canadians. Free enterprise is what gives us all a standard of living that no social program can provide. It’s responsible for the eliminating starvation, making clothing, housing, and everything we want in life easily accessible. Freeing Canadians from the stranglehold of government is the fastest way out of the recession. With that I am proud to announce the following budgetary policies:
Because Canadians are struggling financially, we will endeavour to put back into Canadians’ pockets as much of their money as possible. After all Mr. Speaker, the money government has is not ours, it’s the hard working citizens of this country. The following programs will be phased out over the next 90 days:
- The CBC
- Federal Human Rights Commissions
- Status of Women
- Billingual and multicultural programs
- Federal gun registries
- Grants to businesses
- Equalization payments to provinces
- Regional Development programs
- Ministry of Heritage
The money from these organizations and programs have sucked far too much money out of Canadians’ pockets for too long. These savings will immediately put into tax reductions.
Over the next 5 years the government will be phasing out income tax, and the income will be replaced in kind with equivalent consumption taxes. Canadians should not be punished for earning money, not is the government automatically entitled to Canadians’ money. Canadians will now be able to do their taxes on a postcard size form, taking 60 seconds to fill out.
Spurring innovation is a cornerstone to getting out of the recession. We will be ending bank regulations, allowing foreign competition to provide better financial services for Canadians, and allow banks to freely merge if they decide that it is in their best interest. We will allow foreign airlines to fly on domestic routes, which will reduce airline fares for Canadians, and increase consumer choice. We will eliminate any last regulations on Air Canada. We will eliminate culture regulations for radio and television, allowing Canadians to freely choose what they want to watch. Mr. Speaker its up to artists and consumers to decide what is a success, not a government bureaucrat.
We will be introducing the “Choice in Health Care” Act – to replace the North Korean styled Canada Health Act. Canadians will be free to choose who should provide their health insurance. Canadians who choose a provider other than the government will pay no incomes taxes on any healthcare expenditures, including insurance, as well as a 1% reduction in their income tax rate. Mr. Speaker in the depths of a recession we will be helping to spur on a new sector of entrepreneurial innovation.
All ministerial budgets except departments that ensure the security of our nation’s borders will be reduced by 20% and the savings passed onto Canadians in terms of further tax reductions. Mr. Speaker, this government WILL NOT GO INTO DEFICIT nor put a future generation into debt because of a parliament they never got to vote for.
The only departments to see an increase in spending will be those related to border security and intelligence gathering as Canada has developed a reputation for being a haven for terrorists and terrorist sympathizing organizations.
The defence budget will be increased by 50% over the next 4 years, and an increase in full time personnel to 120,000 soldiers. This will allow us to protect our borders, as well as meet our international obligations for fighting terrorism. Mr. Speaker Canada will once again be on the world stage punching above its weight working with our historical allies, the U.S., Australia, and Great Britain.
Mr. Speaker, as a good friend and ally of the U.S., we will help them out with closing Guantanamo Bay. We will offer to house terrorist suspects in a soon to be built detention center on Baffin Island. Terrorists from hot arab countries will think again about striking a western country if they know there is a good probability they will be waiting the rest of their lives for Allah in the frigid Canadian arctic.
Mr. Speaker we are not going to play politics with Canadians’ money, nor are we going to make decisions based on sensational news headlines and fickle opinion polls. We ask the honourable members of the opposition to put aside the lure of grabbing headlines and work together on ensuring the success of the free market and free enterprise in Canada so we end up stronger as we come out of the recession."
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wow, so true...
I just got this quote from Conrad Black about the english-Canadian mindset. It expresses exactly what I have felt and was trying to say before:
""The destructive fixation of the envious English-Canadian mind requires that the highest, happiest most agile flyers be laid low. [It is] a sadistic desire corroded by soul-destroying envy, to intimidate all those who might aspire to anything the slightest exceptional." - Conrad Black
""The destructive fixation of the envious English-Canadian mind requires that the highest, happiest most agile flyers be laid low. [It is] a sadistic desire corroded by soul-destroying envy, to intimidate all those who might aspire to anything the slightest exceptional." - Conrad Black
G'Day From Melbourne!
Well after the election, I had to work at returning to the real work of being a producer instead of just a talker. I started looking at different career opportunities. I decided at this point it would be great to get some international work experience and an international perspective of politics. I found an incredible career opportunity in Melbourne, Australia. I have never been to Australia, but have always heard great things about it, and it looks like such a beautiful country. So I got a visa, and packed my bags and went.
Apparently to some left-wingers on facebook, I'm not allowed to pursue career goals internationally, and if I do that suddenly means I have no freedom to have an opinion on what is happening back home. But in any case, on Nov. 14th, I arrive on the shores of the wonderful country of Australia in the city of Melbourne!
While I've only been here for little over a week, and haven't had much of a chance to read the papers as I'm getting settled in, I have noticed some very interesting differences. From what I have read in the newspapers, I notice Australian politics doesn't dominate the news in such a salacious, vindictive or heavily spun way as in Canadian news. I also notice the way Australian politicians talk is not as authoritarian or presumptuous as to be able to claim to know what all Australians agree with or think, like Canadian politicians attempt to do.
I actually cried when I was in Australian when I came to the realization of how authoritarian Canadian society, and how our Canadian identity is so tightly bound to that of government. Maybe it's because Canadian confederation wasn't created out of positive ideals to forge something greater, but more of a political necessity because of anti-americanism.
That is the other refreshing thing is to not have to listen to the anti-americanism, anti-capitalism that is so pervasive back home. While the news media in Canada and Canadian politicians are trying to profit off of the political capital of the economic downturn, Australians by and large seem resilient, and know it will pass. I wish Canadian politicians and the Canadian media would stop treating this downturn like the end of the world. It's a serious problem, but screaming like school girls won't solve it.
I have to say I was happy to read in the National Post that Mike Harris spoke up after so many years, and wrote about the economic downturn. Once again, without spin, and lots of substance, he was direct about the problems facing the Ontario economy. We haven't heard talk from a politician like that in years. I thought Stephen Harper and the federal conservatives would follow in his footsteps, but sadly I was mistaken. Unfortunately they have moved so far left, and have been engulfed by the mainstream media.
Apparently to some left-wingers on facebook, I'm not allowed to pursue career goals internationally, and if I do that suddenly means I have no freedom to have an opinion on what is happening back home. But in any case, on Nov. 14th, I arrive on the shores of the wonderful country of Australia in the city of Melbourne!
While I've only been here for little over a week, and haven't had much of a chance to read the papers as I'm getting settled in, I have noticed some very interesting differences. From what I have read in the newspapers, I notice Australian politics doesn't dominate the news in such a salacious, vindictive or heavily spun way as in Canadian news. I also notice the way Australian politicians talk is not as authoritarian or presumptuous as to be able to claim to know what all Australians agree with or think, like Canadian politicians attempt to do.
I actually cried when I was in Australian when I came to the realization of how authoritarian Canadian society, and how our Canadian identity is so tightly bound to that of government. Maybe it's because Canadian confederation wasn't created out of positive ideals to forge something greater, but more of a political necessity because of anti-americanism.
That is the other refreshing thing is to not have to listen to the anti-americanism, anti-capitalism that is so pervasive back home. While the news media in Canada and Canadian politicians are trying to profit off of the political capital of the economic downturn, Australians by and large seem resilient, and know it will pass. I wish Canadian politicians and the Canadian media would stop treating this downturn like the end of the world. It's a serious problem, but screaming like school girls won't solve it.
I have to say I was happy to read in the National Post that Mike Harris spoke up after so many years, and wrote about the economic downturn. Once again, without spin, and lots of substance, he was direct about the problems facing the Ontario economy. We haven't heard talk from a politician like that in years. I thought Stephen Harper and the federal conservatives would follow in his footsteps, but sadly I was mistaken. Unfortunately they have moved so far left, and have been engulfed by the mainstream media.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Time for incrementalism to end...
Holy heck yes, Gerry Nicholls is spot on in his article in the national post.
It's time to start moving on conservative policies, and lay out a positive conservatism vision. It's not like there is a shortage of resources or mentors to turn to.
It's time to start moving on conservative policies, and lay out a positive conservatism vision. It's not like there is a shortage of resources or mentors to turn to.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Response to Xtra article
Scott Dagonstino, a contributor to Xtra magazine mentioned me in this past week's issue. My response to Xtra is posted below:
I think it is Scott Dagonstino who lives in a Hollywood fantasy with his view towards firearms in his article “Open Season on Homos”- where he referred to me. I couldn’t help but notice the irony of the headline of an article in the same Xtra issue, “Hate crimes laws ineffective – Sentences are no deterrent to bashers”. So there we have it, reliance on government to protect our community does not work.
I would like Scott to put aside his Hollywood images, as well as his emotions and look at the facts of allowing carry concealed weapons (CCW) permits and how they are a proven deterrent to criminals:
After passing their concealed carry law, Florida's homicide rate fell from 36% above the national average to 4% below, and remains below the national average. In Texas, murder rates fell 50% faster than the national average in the year after their concealed carry law passed. Rape rates fell 93% faster in the first year after enactment, and 500% faster in the second. Assaults fell 250% faster in the second year. In fact as the number of firearms owned by citizens has been increasing steadily since 1970, the overall rate of homicides and suicides has not risen. Crime has decreased faster in the 47 states that have CCW permits.
David Miller is advocating a citywide gun ban, and petitioning for a nationwide gun-ban. Let us look at what would happen if that became a reality:
Washington D.C. has essentially banned gun ownership since 1976 and has a murder rate
of 56.9 per 100,000. Across the river in Arlington, Virginia, gun ownership is less restricted. There, the murder rate is just 1.6 per 100,000, less than three percent of the Washington, D.C. rate. In 1968, the U.K. passed laws that reduced the number of licensed firearm owners, and thus reduced firearm availability. Their homicide rate has steady risen since then. Ironically, firearm use in crimes has doubled in the decade after the U.K. banned handguns. Australia and New Zealand have reduce restrictions on firearms after crimes when up. An unarmed population is a helpless population.
If self-anointed GBLT leaders and activists are serious about reducing hate crimes, discussing CCW permits should be on the table for discussion. CCW laws prevent 2.5 millions crimes in the U.S. every year. Every day 550 rapes, 1,100 murders and 5,200 other violent crimes are prevented by just showing a gun. In less than 0.9% of these instances is a gun actually fired. The facts speak for themselves, like the slogan for the Pink Pistols - armed gays don’t get bashed. When will these leaders put their emotions and far-left agenda to the side, and put their GBLT community first?

Chris Reid
"Controversial" former Toronto Centre
Conservative Party Candidate
I think it is Scott Dagonstino who lives in a Hollywood fantasy with his view towards firearms in his article “Open Season on Homos”- where he referred to me. I couldn’t help but notice the irony of the headline of an article in the same Xtra issue, “Hate crimes laws ineffective – Sentences are no deterrent to bashers”. So there we have it, reliance on government to protect our community does not work.
I would like Scott to put aside his Hollywood images, as well as his emotions and look at the facts of allowing carry concealed weapons (CCW) permits and how they are a proven deterrent to criminals:
After passing their concealed carry law, Florida's homicide rate fell from 36% above the national average to 4% below, and remains below the national average. In Texas, murder rates fell 50% faster than the national average in the year after their concealed carry law passed. Rape rates fell 93% faster in the first year after enactment, and 500% faster in the second. Assaults fell 250% faster in the second year. In fact as the number of firearms owned by citizens has been increasing steadily since 1970, the overall rate of homicides and suicides has not risen. Crime has decreased faster in the 47 states that have CCW permits.
David Miller is advocating a citywide gun ban, and petitioning for a nationwide gun-ban. Let us look at what would happen if that became a reality:
Washington D.C. has essentially banned gun ownership since 1976 and has a murder rate
of 56.9 per 100,000. Across the river in Arlington, Virginia, gun ownership is less restricted. There, the murder rate is just 1.6 per 100,000, less than three percent of the Washington, D.C. rate. In 1968, the U.K. passed laws that reduced the number of licensed firearm owners, and thus reduced firearm availability. Their homicide rate has steady risen since then. Ironically, firearm use in crimes has doubled in the decade after the U.K. banned handguns. Australia and New Zealand have reduce restrictions on firearms after crimes when up. An unarmed population is a helpless population.
If self-anointed GBLT leaders and activists are serious about reducing hate crimes, discussing CCW permits should be on the table for discussion. CCW laws prevent 2.5 millions crimes in the U.S. every year. Every day 550 rapes, 1,100 murders and 5,200 other violent crimes are prevented by just showing a gun. In less than 0.9% of these instances is a gun actually fired. The facts speak for themselves, like the slogan for the Pink Pistols - armed gays don’t get bashed. When will these leaders put their emotions and far-left agenda to the side, and put their GBLT community first?

Chris Reid
"Controversial" former Toronto Centre
Conservative Party Candidate
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Slightly Stronger, But More of the Same?

With a rocky world economy Canadians chose to avoid going to the far left, and vote for a conservative party that is too afraid to go right. The final results are as follows:
Party Seats % Vote
Conservative 143 37.7%
Liberal 77 26.3%
NDP 37 18.1%
BQ 49 10.1%
Conservatives are embolden with a stronger mandate. While the media talked about Harper "secretly" wanting a majority, well every party would love a majority. I know the talk of the conservative party was to make gains, because to become the default party will take time. I hope this bodes well for conservative parties in other countries. Here's hoping the Republicans turn things around the in the U.S.! The other clear winner was the BQ that was able to rescue their campaign by latching onto arts trough of federal money, that is funneled to support separatist "artists". The BQ was able to prevent a Conservative majority.
While the NDP gained a few seats, 7 new seats does not match their rhetoric of Jack Layton "applying for the job of Prime Minister". Like the typical far-left they count just showing up as win. This is why you keep left-wing people (ie public school teachers, social workers, daycare workers) FAR away from your children.
But the big loser of the night is Stephane Dion. The seat loss is bad, but it's the loss in votes. What's not being talked about in the liberal mainstream media is the financial mess of the Liberal party. They got 3.6 million votes this time, that's 900,000 fewer votes x $1.75 in taxpayer subsidy, that's $1.575 million less in revenue now. Dion's leadership isn't the crisis, the crisis is financing the party brand.
So what will parliament look like? I think we'll have more of the same. The conservative will continue to move further and further away from conservatism to try to "gain" votes, and spend tons of our tax dollars doing it. While I am happen for a strengthened conservative party, conservative values won't come out of the party, we as Canadians will have to fight to build conservatism outside of the formal political structure. Canadians need to hear why conservatism is positive from other Canadians, and real conservative solutions. Conservatives don't like tax cuts for themselves, but because it enriches the country, and raises our standard of living, and reduces poverty. Talking about poverty is not a left-wing issue. Poverty is a non-partisan issues, its the kinds of solutions that are brought forward that determine left or right wing.
Poverty exists because of a lack of wealth in society, not a lack of government. Governments don't create wealth, free people do, because of their ingenuity and capacity to create and invent to meet the needs of others. It happens the most effectively in a free marketplace.

With a rocky world economy Canadians chose to avoid going to the far left, and vote for a conservative party that is too afraid to go right. The final results are as follows:
Party Seats % Vote
Conservative 143 37.7%
Liberal 77 26.3%
NDP 37 18.1%
BQ 49 10.1%
Conservatives are embolden with a stronger mandate. While the media talked about Harper "secretly" wanting a majority, well every party would love a majority. I know the talk of the conservative party was to make gains, because to become the default party will take time. I hope this bodes well for conservative parties in other countries. Here's hoping the Republicans turn things around the in the U.S.! The other clear winner was the BQ that was able to rescue their campaign by latching onto arts trough of federal money, that is funneled to support separatist "artists". The BQ was able to prevent a Conservative majority.
While the NDP gained a few seats, 7 new seats does not match their rhetoric of Jack Layton "applying for the job of Prime Minister". Like the typical far-left they count just showing up as win. This is why you keep left-wing people (ie public school teachers, social workers, daycare workers) FAR away from your children.
But the big loser of the night is Stephane Dion. The seat loss is bad, but it's the loss in votes. What's not being talked about in the liberal mainstream media is the financial mess of the Liberal party. They got 3.6 million votes this time, that's 900,000 fewer votes x $1.75 in taxpayer subsidy, that's $1.575 million less in revenue now. Dion's leadership isn't the crisis, the crisis is financing the party brand.
So what will parliament look like? I think we'll have more of the same. The conservative will continue to move further and further away from conservatism to try to "gain" votes, and spend tons of our tax dollars doing it. While I am happen for a strengthened conservative party, conservative values won't come out of the party, we as Canadians will have to fight to build conservatism outside of the formal political structure. Canadians need to hear why conservatism is positive from other Canadians, and real conservative solutions. Conservatives don't like tax cuts for themselves, but because it enriches the country, and raises our standard of living, and reduces poverty. Talking about poverty is not a left-wing issue. Poverty is a non-partisan issues, its the kinds of solutions that are brought forward that determine left or right wing.
Poverty exists because of a lack of wealth in society, not a lack of government. Governments don't create wealth, free people do, because of their ingenuity and capacity to create and invent to meet the needs of others. It happens the most effectively in a free marketplace.
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